~~NOTE: It is very important that when you are recording your screen that you make sure to record the error that happens and the HAR file capture at the same time. The error and the HAR have to appear side by side or I will have to ask for you to repeat the process. Please check the recording before you send it in.~~

~~NOTE: You will be sending in two files. One is the video recording and the other is the HAR. HAR files are generally sendable but if the video is too large to email, please share it via Drive to josh.casper@agosto.com making sure that I have edit privileges so that I can download it.~~

Here are some instructions for you. I am sending instructions for Screencastify which is a tool I use however any screen recording tool will work.

Screencasting a HAR Capture Instructions

NOTE:  You can use any screen capture tool but Screencastify is free and it is a Chrome extension that works great.  Google recommended this tool to me as they use this tool themselves.

1.  Install Screencastify (Instructions to follow)

2.  Completely log out your account and shut down Chrome

3.  Start Chrome

4.  Start Screencasify

5.  Start the HAR capture (Instructions to follow)

6.  Perform the activity that causes the issue at hand.  If any error messages are present, make sure to recreate that scenario showing the error message

7.  After you have recreated the event (and the error message is showing if there is one), please allow the screencast and the HAR capture to run 10-15 seconds

8.  Stop/Save the HAR capture

9.  Stop/Download the screencast

10.  If there is an error message, copy the URL string in the address bar

11.  Please send to me an email with the HAR and screencast as attachments and paste the URL in the email message itself.


Please go to https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/screencastify-screen-vide/mmeijimgabbpbgpdklnllpncmdofkcpn?hl=en to install the Chrome extension.

When you install it, a pink right arrow symbol with a tiny white video camera will appear in your Chrome Extensions toolbar. To record, you prepare the screen to be recorded, and then you:

- Click in the icon

- Unmark the audio boxes

- Click " Start recording"

- That will open a window for you to choose the screen you want to record.

-  Double Click in the top left one

- When you finish, click in stop the recording in the bottom left of the screen (Stop)

- A window with the recording will pop up, and you will see an arrow pointing down in the top of this window.

- You can click there to download. The other options are for the paid version, but this option is free.

HAR Capture

Capturing HAR files is most easily done using Google Chrome as it can be done directly through the browser options. Capturing HAR files through Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox can be done using a third party application which can be freely downloaded, called HttpWatch. A link to the download site is available from our Google Apps Toolbox on the ‘HAR Analyzer’ page.

Capturing HAR files using Google Chrome can be done directly using the Developer Tools in Google Chrome:

- Open the Developer Tools from the Google Chrome menu by selecting ‘Menu,’ then ‘Tools,’ and then ‘Developer tools,’ or by pressing Ctrl+Shift+C on your keyboard.

- Click on the ‘Network’ tab.

- Look for a round button at the top left of the ‘Network’ tab and make sure it’s red. If it’s gray, click it once to start recording.

- Check the box next to ‘Preserve log.’

- You can use the clear button which looks like a circle with a diagonal line through it before trying to reproduce the issue to remove unnecessary header information.

- Save the capture by right-clicking on the grid and choosing ‘Save as HAR with Content.’